Ram Thakur

Sri Sri Ram Thakur

"Sri Sri Ram Thakur"
Born 2 February 1860(1860-02-02)
Dingamanik, Faridpur, Bangladesh
Died 1 May 1949(1949-05-01) (aged 89)
Chaumohani, Noakhali, Bangladesh
Other names "Sri Sri Kaibalyanath"
"Sri Sri Satyanarayan"
Known for Spiritual guru
Religion Hinduism
Parents Radhamadhava Chakravarty (father)
Kamala Devi (mother)

To save and salvage human beings from the unending and unbearable pains and misery, injustice and corruption of the materialistic world, the Almighty God comes in human form to this world from time to time. The Saviour shows the right path to set them free from their predicament. By His divine love and by demonstrating the ideal way of life He uplifts the ordinary human folk to extra-ordinary level of spiritual enlightenment and God-consciousness.

"Sri Sri Ramthakur" is such a soul. He is also revered to as "Sri Sri Kaibalyanath" or "Sri Sri Satyanarayan". He took the human form for the spiritual upliftment of all, irrespective of religion, caste, creed, sex, colour and class. A considerable section of His followers were the so-called 'untouchables' and people of other religions (muslims, buddhists, christians,etc). Most of them were drawn towards Him & fascinated by His magnetic divine personality, His magnanimity & affection for all, and also by His pleasant personality.

He said that to attain "Brahma", the supreme being, requires a lot of perseverance and practice of the ways and means demonstrated by a great soul. Renunciation of Sansara (material world) is not the only path to realize the Self. God-consciousness may be achieved by chanting of Naama within this mundane world of ours by means of hard work without attachment.

After setting up Sri Sri Kaibalyadham, He proclaimed that all the divine deities are present there in it, with full power and heartfelt blessings. In his words, "In future a great soul will appear to disclose the glory of Sri Sri Kaibalyanath and liberate the devotees to attain 'Kaibalyamukti'". He pronounced that people belonging to all religions will come here and attain their ultimate goal of spiritualism, performing their own ways of worshipping. He said that the Mohunt of Sri Sri Kaibalyadham should be regarded as the empowered representative of Sri Sri Kaibalyanath himself and will be the supreme spiritual and administrative head of Sri Sri Kaibalyadham.

His exemplary ways of life and His invaluable advices, showered throughout His life, provided guidelines for ideal and sacred life and the right path for seeking God. His innumerable letters and the diaries of His intimate disciples, are replete with His precious advice. The valuable extracts of His letters written to various devotees, have been compiled as "Veda-Vani" in three volumes.



India has been blessed with the incarnations of many powerful and mystic saints and religious teachers from time to time. Sri Sri Ramthakur was one of them and He appeared in human form in undivided Bengal in the middle of 19th Century. Though He was a well known saint, little is known about Him outside West Bengal and Bangladesh as He was against any kind of publicity about Himself. Millions of followers flocked to him for His advice and spiritual guidance. People of the undivided Bengal could know about His divine personality only from the writings of poet Nabin Chandra Sen (who was also a sub-divisional Magistrate of Feni, Bangladesh at that time) and from books and articles which were written by a few senior disciples from their recollections about Sri Sri Ramthakur. All of them divided His life into three phases:

Sri Sri Ramthakur was born in the famous Bidyalankar family at Dingamanik, in Faridpur district, Bangladesh, in the month of Magha, 1266 B.S (2 February 1860) on Thursday, the 10th of the New Moon with Rohini (Aldebaran) in the ascendant. His father (late) Radhamadhab Chakravarty was an ascetic, devoted to penance according to the tantras. His mother (late) Kamala Devi had a frank and simple nature. Sri Sri Ramthakur had two elder brothers, one twin brother and one sister.

Sri Sri Ramthakur was from His early years different from the others. He, since His boyhood, always liked to be alone with Himself. His chief pastime was worshipping the gods and goddesses. His schooling at the primary institution was brief. As a boy He felt strongly attached to, and was deeply loved, by His father's spiritual guide (late) Mrityunjoy Nyayapanchanan, who passed away one year after His father's death. Sri Sri Ramthakur was then only 8 years old. Soon after, on the third day of the New Moon of Vaishakha, He was initiated by the Guru in a subtle and mysterious way. A few years after, He met the Guru in embodied form at Kamakshya, Assam.

The second period of Sri Sri Ramthakur's life is shrouded in mystery. From Kamakshya He disappeared with His Guru to return home after 8–10 years. During this period He visited several places at Himalayas and other places. Soon after He probably went to Noakhali, Bangladesh, and spent a few years there and at Feni, Bangladesh, where Poet Nabin Chandra Sen met Him. He was then 26/27 years old. Immediately after, He disappeared again to reappear in Kolkata around 1902-'03.

When His mother died in 1903, He was in Kalighat . He next spent a few years in the well-known village of Uttarpara in the suburbs of Kolkata and one day disappeared from there. Sri Sri Ramthakur and His twin brother Sri Sri Lakshmanthakur were unmarried.

For more than a year He was on walking tours in the south, and returned home probably towards the end of 1907 or beginning of 1908. From this time till His passing away, during various crises like the two World Wars, riots, famines, political movements, nuclear explosion and British repression, He stood by the suffering humanity giving them constant courage, hope and blessings while moving from door to door. He was adored and revered by both the Hindus and people of other religion, irrespective of their faith. Sri Sri Ramthakur used to stress constantly on the efficacy of the repetitions of the Lord's Holy Name as a spiritual discipline and penance for all ills which subsequently would lead to God and eternal peace.

During the last few years of His life, in spite of His frail health, the tempo of Sri Sri Ramthakur's ministrations increased tremendously. His grace overflowed and touched the lives of thousands of men. Sri Sri Ramthakur entered Mahasamadhi on the third day of the New Moon of Vaishakha 18, 1356 B.S (May 1, 1949) at Chaumohani, a town in the District of Noakhali, Bangladesh. His holy remains were laid to rest at Chaumohani, where a hermitage named Samadhi Mandir has been established as per His desire.


Without the blessings of Sri Sri Ramthakur, it is quite impossible for someone to talk or put anything in black and white about Sri Sri Thakur Ramchandra Dev, an incarnation of Bhagwan Narayana. He disliked self-propaganda so much so that even if at some point of time His divine prowess happened to get revealed to ordinary people, He used to make light of the matter saying - "These things just happen!"

His teachings and philosophy transpired through His personal ways of life, behaviour etc., His sermons to His disciples seeking His advice on different matters and His numerous letters written to His countless followers and those in distress.

"Pardon me. I am not an advisor, but a mere example," said Sri Sri Ramthakur once after delivering His valuable advice. He was a living example. What was the experience of His lucky disciples who had got the enviable opportunity to come close to Him? He was as great, liberal, solemn, generous, calm and quiet as the vast firmament unmoved by all storms, stresses mishaps, blots, joy and sorrow. Seasons did have no impact on Him at all. Like that very endless space He would shower His love and affection equally upon everyone, irrespective of their financial status, knowledge and wisdom, vice and virtue. He even used to enlighten people putting the most nonsensical queries before Him with utmost patience and without getting irritated a bit.

The embodiment of immense spiritual power, He always remained most courteous and strove for the betterment of the common man. Ever oblivious of His own comfort, never ever did He tolerate the slightest bit of indifference to His accompanying followers wherever He went and it would turn out to be a most uphill task to prevent Him from leaving that place at once under such circumstances. He was so gentle and courteous that He would always use the term 'apni' (you - used formally) to call someone and 'tumi' (you - used informally) in case of mere minors. During His stay in the residence of any of His disciples or followers or wherever it be, He would always mingle with others like the nearest one and did not even hesitate to contribute physical labour since he was totally devoid of any kind of dogma or ego. He was impartial in the true sense. This apart, excess, in any form, was not to His liking. He loved to live a very simple life - be it in terms of clothing or food. One ordinary dhoti and an ordinary chadar for clothing and a very nominal quantity of milk or dry fruits or boiled vegetables were sufficient for His daily life.

Besides, He was diligent and self-dependent. Discipline and dutifulness were parts of His life. Uttering even a single word or going somewhere without any reason were against His nature. It could be spelled without any hesitation that our mortal world would certainly benefit if the instances left behind Him were followed.

He would show His followers the path of enlightenment with the help of very simple advice like, "Chant His name always wherever you are. Do your duties and keep faith. That will do since the Almighty and His name are inseparable, identical and the same. One can even overcome the predestined by chanting His name alone. Showiness is not desirable as it blurs the truth." His sweet and hearty advice lies deep-rooted in the hearts of His followers.

His invaluable advice and directives are found in plenty in His numerous letters written to His disciples. His followers and common people cutting across nationalities and religions would surely be enlightened in terms of familial and spiritual aspects with the help of His advice and sermons.

After Sri Sri Ramthakur's departure from this mortal world, His 808 letters relevant to our day-to-day life were compiled and published in three volumes entitled "Veda-Vani" by Dr. Indubhushan Bandyopadhyay, former Ashutosh Professor of Calcutta University. None of these letters contains a single word that can hurt somebody or someone's belief. These letters can be helpful for someone eager to enter the Path of Infinite glee and joy.

He said "Follow your destiny. Keep faith in Him. Take refuge at the feet of Satyanarayana. People irrespective of nationality, religion or mental formation are parts of one single community - human community. Each and everyone can reach His feet if his/her religion is followed with love for truth and sincerity." On a certain occasion He said "What's wrong with an atheist? The essential motto should be to remain honest and preserve unadulterated belief and conviction."

Notable Quotes

